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Monday, February 6, 2012

Do All Long Distance Relationships Fail?

There comes a time in life when you move away from your partner for a short period regarding any of your work or personal life related problems. The relationship takes a new turn and the focus shifts on the long distance factor. Long distance relationships are of course hard but both of the partners can manage them unless there is a difficulty or any hindrance that affects the overall relationship. Not all long distance relationships fail, but these are usually ended before the partner is leaving or is in the process of planning. However, do not be put off by this fact. Many long distance relationships are successful and provide a great worth to both partners.

If we consider that most such relationships fail, then we also have to take into account those factors that are responsible for it. There is a number of factors, which lead to the failure of  relationships where two partners are far apart from each other, and most of them are harbored on both sides of the partners. Maintaining a long distance relationship is tough no matter what the conditions or circumstances are.
Failure in Communication
Communication is very important in such relationships. Too much or too little communication will destroy the basic layers of trust between the two partners engaged in a long distance relationship. To keep the relationship going and alive, you need to keep in touch with your partner to instill the feeling of love and confidence in him or her. At least call two to three times in a week. The communication can also work in the opposite direction if you talk too much with your partner. This will eventually lead to boredom and both partners will look to get out of it since there will be no rhythm or spark involved.
Can you always get away with it?
There is also another factor involved here which contributes to the cause of failure of the above mentioned relationships that is jealousy and cheating. Jealousy is described in terms as that you do not want your partner to be speaking to or taking interest in the opposite sex at all. This eventually leads to trust issues between the two partners and is responsible for deteriorating long distance relationships. Also cheating is very common in long distance relationships since there are no physical meetings involved with the partner and one thinks that he or she can easily get away with it.
It all depends on how much they love each other
The above-mentioned factors are the prime reason in the failure of these relationships but they do not point out the assumption that all long distance relationships fail. Hence, it can be said that long relationships can also be successful with proper communication and trust management between the two partners. Effective communication is the key here in maintaining a long distance relationship because of the fact that all failure attributes and causes were related with miscommunication factors. With the analysis given above, you can maintain your relationship with your partner and can be successful at it.
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