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Sunday, July 10, 2011

How to Sexually Arouse a Woman So That She Wants YOU

Probably the biggest mistake that any man can make with a woman is to totally ignore the fact that you really do need to know how to get her sexually aroused if you want her to want you and only you. Yes, it is great to be able to have a good conversation with her, it's good if there is a lot of rapport between you and her... but if there is no sexual attraction... then she is not going to want you in the way that you want her to. A lot of men seem to totally ignore the fact that a woman has to feel sexual attraction and that as a guy you have to be able to sexually arouse her, and that is why they don't end up with the kind of relationship that they want to have with her.
I'm sure there have been times in your life when you thought that you had done all of the proper things to make a woman want to be with you, only to find out that all she was thinking was that it was just friendship. If you want to be more than that to a woman, and if you want to get all of the 'benefits' that come along with being more than just her friend, then you NEED to know how to make her feel sexually aroused.

You know, so many men find themselves in platonic situations with women all because they ignored the sexual aspect, it's not even funny. To break this pattern and keep if from happening all of the time, you have to train yourself to pay close attention to making a woman feel sexually attracted to you. If you can learn how to do this, then you will not have to worry about you feeling one way and her feeling another way about you ever again.
In short, you can discover how to make a woman feel exactly the way that you want her to feel about you. Without all of the confusion or the frustration of finding out that she just does not think of you like that.
What are some tips on how to make a woman feel sexual attraction towards you and aroused by you?
1. Learn how to 'control' the way that she sees you and what kind of relationship the two of you have.
This is something that most men I don't think realize. You literally can set things up so that she only thinks of you in a NON platonic way. The way to do this is to avoid the behaviors and the patterns that will put you in friend mode. So, when you meet a woman, don't try so hard to create so much rapport and comfort that she feels like she is your friend, make her feel a little bit of tension, and a little bit of confusion so that a part of her is always thinking of you as being potentially MORE than a friend. As long as you keep this dynamic up, you can make her see you the way that you WANT HER to.
2. You have to learn how to make a woman feel aroused by using the right kind of touch.
The way that you touch a woman can send her signals about what kind of relationship she has with you. If you touch her in a way that feels safe, like there is no sexual thoughts at all in your mind, then she will feel like you are that brotherly kind of friend and of course that is not going to make her want you. On the other hand, if you can touch her in a way that sends shivers down her spine and makes her feel really excited, then what do you think is the way that she is going to think about you?
3. You have to learn how to kiss a woman so that it feels "right" to her.
A lot of women will say that they know by the way it feels when they kiss a guy whether or not he is the ONE they want to be with. So, there is kind of a lot of pressure on getting this part of the equation just right. See, if you kiss a woman and it feels like there are no sparks at all to her, then she is going to lose any of that desire that she may have felt before. Knowing how to kiss a woman so that it creates that "electric" feeling can be what makes her want MORE of you, which is probably what you want her to feel like.
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