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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Importance Of Masturbation - Mental and Physical Relaxation and Satisfaction

Masturbation is the stimulation of one's own genitals or the genitals of a partner.
Studies have shown that even babies rub and play with their little private area. They do this subconsciously because it feels good. This good feeling is in the DNA of all humans. We are taught that our Creator is Perfect, so this is part of His Perfect Plan.
Many women and men do not realize their full sexual capacity. Masturbation provides the class room for private or mutual learning through hands on practice. Any person can learn to develop his or her orgasmic capacity.
Masturbation allows one to control stimulation. With minimum practice multiple orgasms can be routine.

Sex therapists understand that a person can intensify sexual responsiveness by intensifying sexual activity. One's intense sexual love will grow as masturbation trains you.
Masturbation arouses sexual desire or interest and can provide a lifetime of individual or mutual pleasure.
Masturbation is an ideal introduction to sexual intercourse or as a device to insure climaxing after intercourse.
Whenever you want pleasure for as long as you desire it; masturbation is the game.
When you don't want a partner or when a partner isn't available, masturbation is the game.
Masturbation provides unlimited varieties of stimulation and maximum pleasure.
Prudent masturbation can be enjoyed anywhere day and night; even on a crowded public bus.
Masturbation can leave you refreshed and relaxed because you have built in hight and low controls.
For your convenience, all of the controls are with in your hands reach without worry of batteries or 110V or 220V current.
Your hands independently control all vibration and desired movements.
Speed can be easily hand controlled and adjusted.
All used parts have a natural cover that can be easily cleaned with soap and water.
If desired an inexpensive detachable rubber cover can be used and thrown away after each session.
There are wide varieties of masturbation toys available for males and females that can greatly add to the versatility, enjoyment, and satisfaction of the game.
There are over 10,000 items to choose from; including love dolls for men and women, vibrators, dildos, erotic DVD's, and much more. Just go to the web and type in 'sex toys' and click search. You find FAQ's for beginners.
I suggest you start out slowly, read the presented information, pick an item of interest and order by mail. Items are mailed in plain wrapper. Prices start at about $5.00 and increases.
Masturbation is the safest sex. It is the logical alternative to sexual intercourse; which is dumb sex for children.
Orgasms and sexual response are learned stimulus which can be mastered with practice.
Masturbation, or solo sex, or self pleasure, is the second most common sex act by humans. It does not cause warts, acne, insanity, blindness or hair on the palms. It may improve the immune system function in men and build his resistance to prostate gland infection. It builds a women's resistance to yeast infections and eases menstrual cramps.
It is the safest sex and can be done any time any where. It's a form of stress relief, sleep sedative, and mood booster in releasing endorphins.
It provides some of the most intense orgasms and can increase a person's sexual awareness. It releases sexual tension without any performance anxiety and it aids in resisting depression.
Masturbation promotes higher levels of satisfaction in married couples. It calms one's sex cravings and likely helps people live longer. There's no risk of pregnancy or catching a disease. It helps women improve pelvic floor strength.
History clearly shows that masturbation has been around a very long time. A clay figurine from about 4000 years BC was found at a temple site on the island of Malta which represents a woman masturbating. Depictions of male masturbation are more common.
Chimpanzees are ancestor to humans and studies indicate that the chimpanzees have been around at least 8 million years. The Bonobo chimpanzees share about 98% of our human DNA. Their practice of masturbation indicates that human masturbation has been around since the beginning of the human race.
Early Egyptians celebrated masturbation in reference to their sun god, Atun. In about 3200 BC, the Sumerians, who invented the calendar, made reference to the Mespotamian god Enki masturbating.
It seems that as civilizations emerged man found the need for an increase in numbers...thus a desire for population growth...perhaps to man their armies. Anyway, many man-made religions grasped the opportunity to control the minds of humans, so they condemned masturbation and insisted that it is a sin.
All sperm is to be used to produce pregnancy and numbers...and only in the framework of marriage. No masturbation, or oral sex, or anal sex. This seems more than just a bit illogical!
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